Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math Mr. Glasheen: Finish problems from red textbook. Also, if you did not get a chance top finish the problems from yesterday's sheet, finish those.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Finish the whole mega packet. Those people who didn't take the egestion/excretion test yet must do so by tomorrow.
- Mrs. Gurascio: Study for test on chapter 38 tomorrow.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: None.
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser: Quiz retake tomorrow because we all failed.

AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on chapter 20 tomorrow.
- Ms. Chase: Quiz on slave trade on the Friday of the following week. NO QUIZ THIS WEEK.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Work on your mock trials.

Edited by Robert Sampson
Edited by KB at 5:42PM

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

IMPORTANT: Information needed about when the community service forms are due for the National Junior Honor Society, where they are available, and how many hours are required.

Math Mr. Glasheen: Nothing. It's too bad we're having a sub tomorrow because now we can't place G$ bets on who will be the next American Idol. =(

Biology Mr. Waszmer: UPCO assignemnt (#18).
- Mrs. Gurascio: 50 pt quiz on chapters 3+4 (pages 17-38) in the review book is tomorrow. Chapter 38 test is on Thursday (the dates have been switched so they are different from your schedule). All tests and quizzes not taken from last week must be made up by the end of the school day tomorrow.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: People who need more time taking the regents that counts as a test grade (including those who were absent) must go to the testing room during the period you have Spanish. Period 3, you have your speaking part of the regents throughout the day. ¡Buena Suerte!
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser: Make ups for Regents exams will be tomorrow during class.

AP World History Dr. Gold: read to the next bullet. Be prepared to laugh for at least the first part of class tomorrow; I am sure Gold wants to know what happened in the room with Wasz, and the movie.
- Ms. Chase: Once more, NO QUIZ THIS WEEK!!!!! However, be prepared for the last quiz of the year on the African Slave trade chapter on FRIDAY of the following week.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Work on your mock trials.

Edited by Jason Karelis at 8:00 PM.
Edited by KB at 8:54PM

Monday, May 22, 2006

Homework for Monday

Math Mr. Glasheen: Nothing

Biology Mr. Waszmer: state lab due by next Tuesday (with the experiment).
- Mrs. Gurascio: See schedule for the weeks(s). Clothespin lab write-up due tomorrow. Make up all tests/quizzes by Wednesday. All projects outlines had to be in today for half-credit.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Nothing
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser: Regents: prepare yourselves

AP World History Dr. Gold: Read up to the next bullet.
- Ms. Chase: COT essays due tomorrow. 7 paragraph minimum, please refer to the outline for instruction.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Work on your trials. McLaughlin 9th period will be trying their case beginning NEXT Tuesday (not tomorrow). Don't blow it off, put the work in and you will succeed.

Edited by KB (8:48PM)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Science Olympiad Places 6th in Nationals

Congratulations to the Gelinas Science Olympiad Team for earning a record 6th place in the United States National Science Olympiad Tournament!

We earned five medals: first in Experimental Design, third in Wheeled Vehicle, third in Rocks and Minerals, third in Water Quality, and fourth in Food Science.

The results are posted to the right (our team number is 57). You may download the picture to see it more clearly.
Math Mr. Glasheen: we have a quiz tomorrow (50.pts); on probability.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: work on your honors project, and the UPCO assignment.
- Mrs. Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: The 5 journals are due tomorrow.
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Nothing.
- Ms. Chase:

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Work on your mock trials.