Thursday, February 16, 2006

Homework for Thursday

****Computer Literacy: ALL assignments are due by the end of class tomorrow****

Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: None, except 4th period.
4th Period: Workbook page 216, #'s 1,3,7,10,11,12,13,17, AND the following problems:
If k has equation y=x, find the coordinates of the images of A(4,0); B(0,2); and C(-4,-2) under... a: reflection in y axis following reflection in k
b: reflection in k following reflection in y axis

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Test tomorrow. Have the review packets done.
- Gurascio: State Lab 3 is due tomorrow. Please have all questions completed.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Be ready for the quizzes tomorrow.

German Mr. Esser: RAPS!...are over. If you did not get a chance to go, you're going tomorrow and there is nothing you can do about it.

AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on chapter 17 tomorrow. Have the debate grading sheet done for tomorrow. Finish the comparative essay.
- Ms. Chase: Quiz on Chapter 12 (China) tomorrow. Bring questions to class that will be answered prior to the quiz.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: None. Remember to fill out yellow forms over break.
English 9H Meek: Please have Journal #36, The Barn Burning vocabulary and sinister sentances done. Also, reminder to fill our the forms we received from guidance.
Physical Education Youngs: Volleyball test tomorrow. Study the sheet.
(Edited by Katie Brand @ 5:44 pm)
(Edited by Jason Karelis, 7:55 PM)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: In the work book, do page 208 questions 22 and 24. Also, on page 211, do questions 1-5. Also finish the 8H quiz.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Study the test hints for the test on Friday. Finish the review packet by Friday. I recommend finishing it tonight because we are getting a large review packet tomorrow (which we will get 2 periods of class time), so plan accordingly.
- Gurascio: Complete 14-1 packet.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Study for the music quiz.
*Note* This was what was reported in period 1. Other periods probably vary.

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on chapter 17 tomorrow. We are getting the comparative essay on Thursday to do for HW. The next day, Gold will give us class time to complete it.
- Ms. Chase: Quiz on Friday on Ch 12. Always be reading!

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Finish the writing piece for English.

Computer Literacy Mrs. Servedio: All assignments are due by this Friday.
This blog needs more administrators! If you want to join just leave a comment with your name and email.
(Edited by Jason Karelis, 9:00 PM)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Homework for Monday

Enjoy the snow day! *NOTE* All of this hw is the same from Friday. Be aware if your teacher has given you different instructions in the event of a snow day. Leave a comment (to leave a comment, click on the comment button directly below the end of the post) and say whether or not you found the weather information helpful.

Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: Nothing

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Nothing
- Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Be prepared for quizzing tomorrow on the rest of the topics.

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Debate tomorrow. Quiz on Wednesday, chapter 17, in the Stearns book.
- Ms. Chase:

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Nothing

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

*Weather Update*
I would also like to note that the Gelinas Companion beat Ward Melville to this news. GO GELINAS!


Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: Nothing

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Nothing
- Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Be prepared for Monday quizzing

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Debate on Monday. Quiz on Tuesday (chapter 17)
- Ms. Chase:

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Nothing