Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math Mr. Glasheen: Nothing, we are doing everything in class

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Finish the mega-packet + the UPCO review sheet. Test on Friday.
- Mrs. Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott:
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz tomorrow. We are also starting the comparitive tomorrow.
- Ms. Chase:

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Elliot is doing a mojor check-up on all of our groups tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math Mr. Glasheen: Period 4- Page 413 in Red Book 1-19 odds only PLUS, if you did not get full credit for last night's hw, then you must do all 1-21 and finish yesterday's hw. For G$, the "nice little kids" that did last night's hw can do all 1-21.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Finish the mega-packet. Complete the review sheet
- Mrs. Gurascio: Open notes test on chapter 37 tomorrow.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: The Spanish speaking part of the regents is tomorrow for Period 3. Period 4 (and possibly period 3) has to write a short response for ONE of the questions on the last part of the practice regents exam.
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: Read up to the next bullet.
- Ms. Chase: NO QUIZ THIS WEEK!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! But instead, you have to think about your change over time essay...

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Keep working on your trials, there may be some form of assessment on them tomorrow. Tomorrow, the supreme court judge is coming to talk during 9th period, so if you want to go (and you don't have English 9th period), you must get permission (I think written) from your 9th period teacher.

Edited by Jason Karelis at 5:30 PM.
Edited by KB at 9:14