Homework for Wednesday
Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: In the red work book, complete pages 11-12, problems 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Biology Mr. Waszmer: The state lab is due on monday... TYPED.
- Mrs. Gurascio:
Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Finish your storied, although we will have some class time tomorrow.
- Mrs. Krisa
German Mr. Esser:
AP World History Dr. Gold: Start reading chapter 15. The quiz is on Monday. Note*: there is less time for this chapter, so plan accordingly (although the chapter is shorter).
- Ms. Chase:
English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Read your Shakespeare plays.
Biology Mr. Waszmer: The state lab is due on monday... TYPED.
- Mrs. Gurascio:
Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Finish your storied, although we will have some class time tomorrow.
- Mrs. Krisa
German Mr. Esser:
AP World History Dr. Gold: Start reading chapter 15. The quiz is on Monday. Note*: there is less time for this chapter, so plan accordingly (although the chapter is shorter).
- Ms. Chase:
English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Read your Shakespeare plays.