Friday, April 28, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Math Mr. Glasheen: Finish the sheet(s) we got in class.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Finish the first 5 pages of the Mega Packet.
- Mrs. Gurascio: Prepare your project outline (worth 50 pts but graded very leniently) for Monday. ALSO, homework quiz on 36-1 on Monday (notes are optional).

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Ahora yo no sé que es la tarea, pero tan pronto como la descubro, les diré.
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser: Nothing yet.

AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on Chapter 18 on Monday.
- Ms. Chase: Upcoming quiz on Chapter 18 (Russia) on Friday.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Keep completing your trial work. Period 9 on the McLauglan case was instucted specifically to read the "law" included in the last pages of the packet (about p. 69- to the end) Also, read Speak. We will be finished with Speak by FRIDAY, so if you'd like to get the reading over with now, that would be an acceptable plan.

Edited by Jason Karelis on Saturday at 8:23 PM
Edited by Kristine Beckmannnnnn on Saturday at 8:58 PM

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Homework for Thursday

TODAY is the last day to sign up for an SAT II for the June exam (Unless you wish to pay a late fee)

Math Mr. Glasheen: Finish the HW sheet. Tomorrows HW sheet will be collected too, so have it with you.

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Finish chapter 4's mult. choice in the review book, and on the sheet of paper.
- Mrs. Gurascio: Study, study, study. Test on NERVOUS SYSTEM.

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Finish scenarios 1-5 in the txt book on the doctor vocab (page 224).
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser: Probably a quiz tomorrow. Think of some good words to use in "Betting for Words"

AP World History Dr. Gold: Essay tomorrow on the Mongols. It will be a comparitive essay on the Political and Economic affects that the Mongols had on different regions (there will be a choice).
- Ms. Chase: Study forEMP test (Ch. 16-17) tomorrow. Use review outline.

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Be prepared on your Stipulations, we will be tested on them.

Edited by KB, 6:56 pm

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Homework for Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Math Mr. Glasheen: Ditto- complete side with "p. 290" on bottom

Biology Mr. Waszmer: Outline due Monday; Chapter 3 Regents Review
- Mrs. Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott:
- Mrs. Krisa: Complete Classwork

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold:
- Ms. Chase: Big Two-day test

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Read All of Third Marking Period in Speak

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Homework for the Weekend

Contratulations to the Gelinas Science Olympiad Team for winning FIRST PLACE in the 2006 New York State Science Olympiad Tournament. Every single person left with at least one medal and we came in first by over 50 points, which is a new record. We will be going to nationals in Indiana in May.

Math Mr. Glasheen: Finish the 2 sheets Mr. Glasheen gave (finish 3,5,7,9 for hw credit)(finish 1 for 1 G$)(finish 2,4,6,8 for 1 G$)

Biology Mr. Waszmer:Work on your sci project. The outline is due next Monday.
- Mrs. Gurascio:

Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: In the Barron's book, due by Friday, pages 11-20. Also, there will be a quiz on the future tense on either Tuesday or Wednesday.
- Mrs. Krisa

German Mr. Esser:

AP World History Dr. Gold: DBQ due Wednesday. GWPE III due Wednesday. Quiz on chapter 16 on Tuesday. We will be having another AP comparative later this week.
- Ms. Chase:

English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: Read up to page 92 in Speak by Monday.

Edited by Jason Karelis on Sunday at 6:18 PM.