Saturday, December 24, 2005


International Foods Mrs. Jenkins- Start thinking about your final project.

Media Arts Mr. Tiberius- Try to shoot a roll of film over the break, only a month of class left!

Foreign Language

Spanish Mrs. McDermott- Nothing

German Herr Esser- Nothing, Note: most likely quiz on the friday we get back!
(Admins, please add to this for other languages)


Dr. Gold- Finish 1066 book. Essay part II, questions and essay due by Wednesday when we return. Remember that the questiosn are 3 QUIZ grades and the total part II is 50 points!!!! Read chapter 7 in the text book (stearns) and the quiz on is on the following Monday. Read chapter 10 for the following week. The DBQ is due this Monday (over vacation) in Dr. Gold's inbox (via email). ALL PART I REVISIONS MUST BE e-mailed OR GIVEN TO DR.GOLD ON TUESDAY!

Ms. Chase- Read chapter 7 in Stearns textbook. QUIZ DATE: JANUARY 6th

Elliot: Natural Connections- Read your independent reading book.

Meek honors: Test Essay due when we get back on Secret Life of Bees, remember "Most Dangerous Game," make sure you read it again in case any new material appears on it. Make sure to do your Journals!!


Wasz- Finish lab

Guarascio- Study for test on chapter 17 and 18. Test is the week we get back.


Study so you do not forget the material!

Glasheen- None

Derosa- None

Winter Break HW

It's official, we have tons of HW. Kudos to my new admin staff. HW assignemnts will be posted in 5 or less posts depending on how the admins want to organize it. Also, be sure to check back sometimes here over the break in case there are any updates or announcements.

From the Gelinas Companion team...
Happy Holidays!!