Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Homework for Wednesday

Math Mr. Glasheen- In the green text book, page 503, problems 2a, 4a, 9a, 10a, 19, 20.

Science Mr. Waszmer- Lab due next week.

Ms. Guarascio- Read your weekly schedule

History Dr. Gold- Start reading chapter 10 of the Stearns text book.

Ms. Chase(WHAP)- Study for quiz on Chapter 8 this THURSDAY (we're watching The Gods Must Be Crazy on Friday)

English Mr. Elliot (Natural Connections)- Start rapping up your books. Final copy of the essay is due Friday. You must have your rough draft in with the final copy!

Spanish Mrs. McDermott- Start getting ready to give commands for the cities you drew. Just feel confident that you can speak about it. Also, do the next page in the packet. Quiz on Friday.

International Foods Mrs. Jenkins- Cooked recipes due on 01/24/05.

Media Art Tiberius (who else?)- Get something done for a change! Darkroom is open every day during lunch for color neg. processing and printing sepia-colored prints. Have your portfolio completed by next next Friday for review. Also, brace yourselves for the final "written exam".

Post edited by Kristine Beckmannnnnn

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Homework for Tuesday

Math Mr. Glasheen- In the green text book, page 490, problems 14, 16, 18, 20, 30, 32, 34.

Science Mr. Waszmer- Finish the analysis questions on the state lab.

Ms. Guarascio- Read your weekly schedule

History Dr. Gold- Start reading chapter 10 of the Stearns text book.

Ms. Chase(WHAP)- Study for quiz on Chapter 8 this THURSDAY (we're watching The Gods Must Be Crazy on Friday)

English Mr. Elliot (Natural Connections)- Start rapping up your books. The rough draft for Elliot's essay is due tomorrow. Refer to Monday 's post what a rough draft means.

Spanish Mrs. McDermott- Start getting ready to give commands for the cities you drew. Just feel confident that you can speak about it. Also, do the next page in the packet.

International Foods Mrs. Jenkins- written recipes are due tomorrow.

Media Art Tiberius (who else?)- Get something done for a change! Darkroom is open every day during lunch for color neg. processing and printing sepia-colored prints. Have your portfolio completed by next next Friday for review. Also, brace yourselves for the final "written exam".

Post edited by Kristine Beckmannnnnn

Monday, January 09, 2006

Homework for Monday

NOTE TO ALL ADMINS: The following message contains the format in which all posts should be written in.

Mr. Glasheen- In the AMSCO work book, do pages 175-176, questions 1-4, and 9-15.

Science Mr. Waszmer- Finish all review sheets. People who didn't finish it today, you lucked out! Work for the below 80 club is due this Friday.

History Dr. Gold- 3rd part of project due on next Tuesday (not this coming Tuesday).

English Mr. Elliot- Rough draft for essay due on wednesay. In Elliot's class a rough draft means your best work without someone else looking at it. Start wrapping up your books, next week they need to be finished (exact TBA). More info on this later in the week will be posted.

Spanish Mrs. McDermott- Journal's due tomorrow. Finish next page of the packet that we got in class.

Student Government Mr. Harris- *Please note this is for the club not for the class* Meeting tomorrow at 7:00. If you don't have a shirt yet then bring $5 and get one. Get your quarterly projects done and put together your end of the quarter sheets.

International Foods Mrs. Jenkins- People who need to finish work, have it in by tomorrow or you get a nice big ZERO!!!

Kristine Beckmannnnnn edited this post.