Homework for the Vacation
****Note change to the post regarding Natural Connections homework.****
Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: There is a test on Wednesday when we get back on transformations. Period 4 has no written homework.
Biology Mr. Waszmer: None, but my guess is that we will have a quiz on our review packets, so be ready.
- Gurascio: There is no written homework over the vacation. There is a test on chapters 13+14 on Friday, March 3rd.
Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Depending on what period you have Spanish, there maybe more tests on the vocab found on pages 125 and 126. (none for period 1, except for Mrs. Mcdermott's quiz on the whole unit, which will either be on Thursday or Friday)
German Mr. Esser:
AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on the 2nd half of chapter 17, on Thursday.
- Ms. Chase: There is a quiz on chapter 13 on Friday during the week we get back. There is a humongous, possibly fatal examination on the whole Postclassical Era sometime during the end of March.
English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: (REVISED on 2/26)Find 10 facts EACH regarding Shakespeare, Elizabethian theatre, and Elizabethian lifestyles to recieve extra credit on the day we get back.
*If you are interested in becoming an admin for this blog, just leave your name and e-mail address in a comment (by clicking the link, COMMENTS at the end of this post).
(Edited by Robert Sampson, Monday, 6:35 PM)
(Edited by Kristine Beckmannnnnn, Sunday 2/26, 1:55 PM)
Math Mr. Glasheen/Mrs. Albinson: There is a test on Wednesday when we get back on transformations. Period 4 has no written homework.
Biology Mr. Waszmer: None, but my guess is that we will have a quiz on our review packets, so be ready.
- Gurascio: There is no written homework over the vacation. There is a test on chapters 13+14 on Friday, March 3rd.
Spanish B Mrs. McDermott: Depending on what period you have Spanish, there maybe more tests on the vocab found on pages 125 and 126. (none for period 1, except for Mrs. Mcdermott's quiz on the whole unit, which will either be on Thursday or Friday)
German Mr. Esser:
AP World History Dr. Gold: Quiz on the 2nd half of chapter 17, on Thursday.
- Ms. Chase: There is a quiz on chapter 13 on Friday during the week we get back. There is a humongous, possibly fatal examination on the whole Postclassical Era sometime during the end of March.
English Natural Connections Mr. Elliot: (REVISED on 2/26)Find 10 facts EACH regarding Shakespeare, Elizabethian theatre, and Elizabethian lifestyles to recieve extra credit on the day we get back.
*If you are interested in becoming an admin for this blog, just leave your name and e-mail address in a comment (by clicking the link, COMMENTS at the end of this post).
(Edited by Robert Sampson, Monday, 6:35 PM)
(Edited by Kristine Beckmannnnnn, Sunday 2/26, 1:55 PM)